Latest news

Welcome David Zinman

  Acclaimed conductor David Zinman conducts the Sydney Symphony Orchestra during May this year in two programmes. Zinman is the Music Director of the Tonhalle in Zurich to which he was appointed in 1995. Renowned for his creative programming, he has also appeared as guest conductor with the major orchestras of the world – the Boston Symphony, Chicago Symphony,…
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The movements that make the music

This is an absolutely fascinating animation from the New York Times of the connection between a conductor’s gestures, the responses of the musicians and the sounds that are created. Alan Gilbert, the music director of the New York Philharmonic talks it through:
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Don Giovanni re-invented…

Paris, London, Los Angeles, Berlin – all these cities will host productions of Mozart’s Don Giovanni in 2012. The London production, is at heaven nighclub and completely re-invents the character……
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Latest reviews

extraordinary tale – extraordinary singing from the idea of north

As always, The Idea of North delight listeners with their  new CD. Their freshness,  purity of tone and unerring pitch, blend like the strands of a braid that start and end their journey together, meandering their own part in between, independent, but never losing sight of being part of the single design. Extraordinary Tale (ABC…

Sydney Camerata grows with metamorphosen

Last week, Sydney Camerata commemorated its third anniversary with a concert they called Metamorphosen,which culminated in the eponymous work for 23 strings by Richard Strauss. The resonant intimacy of North Sydney’s Independent Theatre was well suited to the size and sound of this ensemble, which chameleon like re-configures itself to adapt to what is being performed. Opening the concert with…