Opera Review: The Love For Three Oranges/ Opera Australia

Opera Review: The Love For Three Oranges/ Opera Australia

“Oh, we’re your real opera buffs! Give us tunes that we can hum!” So plead the Lyricists in the prologue of Prokofiev’s madcap opera The Love for Three Oranges, whilst the Tragedians demand “blood and thunder…sex and souls” and the Comedians angle for “genuine comedy”. Sadly for the Lyricists, Prokofiev did not write many “tunes…

Carmen Look Book

Carmen Look Book

There was a riot of colour both outside the Sydney Opera House with Vivid in full swing, as well as inside, when Opera Australia’s new production of Bizet’s Carmen, directed by John Bell, opened last night. Check out these kaleidoscopic images: scroll down to see all 10 images. Images courtesy Opera Australia.