CD Review: Brahms Ein Deutsches Requiem, The Choir of St James’ King Street

CD Review: Brahms Ein Deutsches Requiem, The Choir of St James’ King Street

  In recording this live performance of Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem(A German Requiem) opus 45 in July 2013, the Choir of St James’ King Street directed by Warren Trevelyan-Jones ventures into repertoire we would not often hear from this fine ensemble, whose focus leans towards music from both earlier and more recent times. For many…

Review: Opera Australia ‘The Magic Flute’

Review: Opera Australia ‘The Magic Flute’

  The Magic Flute – W A  Mozart, Libretto: Emmanuel Schikaneder. Opera Australia, Joan Sutherland Theatre, Sydney Opera House January 10th 2014. Coinciding with the numerology of Mozart’s 1791 singspiel, there are three pillars of wisdom  to be accepted in appreciating this production of The Magic Flute. First, it is sung in English not in…

‘Ringing’ Up The Numbers

‘Ringing’ Up The Numbers

  After running for nearly one month in Melbourne, Opera Australia’s first Ring cycle has come full circle bringing to an end an assemblage of outstanding performances by artists and musicians, acclaimed by the critics, and attended by audiences from near and far. The number crunchers have trawled through the details of the production and…