Orchestral Mass Marks Dr Neil McEwen’s Farewell Performance At Christ Church St Laurence

Orchestral Mass Marks Dr Neil McEwen’s Farewell Performance At Christ Church St Laurence

For 38 years, the name of Dr Neil McEwan, AM FRSCM, has been synonymous with the Choir of Christ Church Laurence. Soon, the Director of Music and of this prestigious choir at Christ Church St Laurence, will retire. The Parish’s Orchestral Mass on Sunday week, 16 September will be his farewell appearance conducting the choir….

Pinchgut Opera: Bajazet

Pinchgut Opera: Bajazet

Pinchgut Opera presents Antonio Vivaldi’s passionate and powerful Bajazet, performed for the first time in the southern hemisphere and the latest Baroque masterpiece to be rediscovered by the chamber opera ensemble.   Bajazet is a rarely performed operatic gem that premiered in Verona in 1735. The performance features an array of brilliant arias designed to showcase the virtuosic talents of…