Concert Review: Paranoia x Demon Ducks x Frankenstein x DC Universe: A Bonanzaic Palooza

Concert Review: Paranoia x Demon Ducks x Frankenstein x DC Universe: A Bonanzaic Palooza

Concert Review: Paranoia x Demon Ducks x Frankenstein x DC Universe: A Bonanzaic Palooza Momentum Ensemble Australian Youth Orchestra, Rachelle Durkin soprano, Christoph Altstaedt conductor Cellblock Theatre, Sydney, 19 April 2024. Demon Ducks and Pandemonium!! is a multimedia presentation combining theatre and orchestra, which takes us back in time to a place called Brueghelland; to…

Nicholas Vines And Rob Hao On Vines’ Indie Ditties

Nicholas Vines And Rob Hao On Vines’ Indie Ditties

Pianist Rob Hao returns to Sydney from London for his inaugural solo tour of Australia which will include a performance at the Utzon Room in April. The concert will include the Australian premiere of Sydney-based Australian composer Nicholas Vines’ Indie Ditties. From London, Hao gave us some insights into his career thus far and we speak with Nick Vines about his intriguing piece, Indie Ditties.