St John Passion – Sydney Chamber Choir and the Adelaide Chamber Singers collaborate

St John Passion – Sydney Chamber Choir and the Adelaide Chamber Singers collaborate

The St John Passion BWV 245 was Johann Sebastian Bach’s first and is his most oft performed passion. It’s a repository of the best of Baroque writing, replete with choruses and da capo arias, recitatives, tutti and small group (concertino) sections. It contains writing and orchestration that makes Baroque music able to fulfil the twin…

Harmony beyond the music…Sydney Chamber Choir presents “Lamentations”

During his recent visit to Sydney, The New Yorker’s music critic Alex Ross quoted Schopenhauer: “Music….is..a universal language”. Ross asserts that it is “…nothing of the sort. One man’s favourite tune is another woman’s noise”. You can consider this for yourself when the Sydney Chamber Choir presents  “Lamentations” on Palm Sunday. In back to back programmes…