A new mahler biography
John Carmody reviews a new book on the life of Mahler:
John Carmody reviews a new book on the life of Mahler:
Concerto writing for the violin in the 21st century is alive and well with the works of these celebrated living composers listed by Gramophone magazine. http://gramophone.co.uk/editorial/ten-violin-concertos-by-living-composers …and as a sequel to its list of 21st century violin concerti, Gramophone magazine nominates its list of top 10 20th century violin concerti. http://gramophone.co.uk/editorial/top-ten-20th-century-violin-concertos
Opera buffs! If you’re planning to escape Sydney’s unseasonably cold weather and are heading north for the summer, here is an opportunity to hear one of Sydney’s most successful singers and a lauded exponent of Rossini and the bel canto repertoire. Sydney audiences are yet to hear the exceptional talent of soprano Jessica Pratt –…
Kirsty Hilton has the best of two very rarefied worlds. As well as being Co-Principal 2nd violin with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, she is also a violinist and sole Australian representative with the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, based in Europe and which is soon to tour to Sydney, conducted by Daniel Harding. She has been performing…
“The stuff of great artistry” says Mark Coughlan in The Australian: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/arts/meyers-performance-the-stuff-of-great-artistry/story-fn9d2mxu-1226187063628
In breaking news, Opera Australia has announced the resignation of CEO Craig Hassall AM, who has been appointed Chief Executive at London’s Royal Albert Hall in 2017. Mr Hassall has given Opera Australia 6 months’ notice during which time the company will commence a search for a suitable replacement. Opera Australia’s Chairman, David Mortimer AO…
More of what to expect from Handa Opera on the Harbour’s La Traviata as ravishing sopranos Emma Matthews and Rachelle Durkin, sharing the role of Violetta show off their costumes and we check out the venue: