Cloudstreet Declared ‘A Triumph’
Declared “a resounding triumph”, George Palmer’s new operatic adaptation of Tim Winton’s novel Cloudstreet, produced by the State Opera of South Australia, had the audience rising to its feet.
Declared “a resounding triumph”, George Palmer’s new operatic adaptation of Tim Winton’s novel Cloudstreet, produced by the State Opera of South Australia, had the audience rising to its feet.
Aided and abetted by pianist Erin Helyard, David Greco is by far Australia’s best current lieder baritone.
“…Whilst metadata and audio quality have been the burning issues for classical journalists and listeners, it’s the economics of streaming that has been alarming certain independent specialist classical record companies. In fact, as far as they are concerned, streaming poses unique and far greater problems for the classical industry than it does for the pop…
The English National Opera has announced its 2013-14 season which sees the UK premieres of 10 new opera and the return of 4 recent hits. Ex-Monty Pythoner and film-maker Terry Gilliam has been appointed director of the company which is trying to reverse its budget deficit. Gilliam will return to the music of Hector Berlioz to direct a…
Last night, the English National Opera premiered a new production of Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde Conducted by the ENO’s ex-music director Edward Gardner, designed by the artist Anish Kapoor and direction by Daniel Kramer – the company’s artistic director elect, the cast included Australian tenor Stuart Skelton as Tristan. Will it be the troubled ENO’s saving grace?…
What is the secret of the enduring appeal of the music of JS Bach?! Even of you don’t like his music, the complexity of his writing, his output and his role as an innovator are unparalleled. Pianist James Rhodes claims that Bach takes us into a “fourth dimension of existence.” Read more from BBC Culture.
Omega Ensemble has a new release on ABC Classics, featuring an all Mozart programme recorded in concert at Sydney’s City Recital Hall. The ensemble is conducted by Paul Meyer, clarinet with bassoonist Ben Hoadley, performing Mozart’s classic Symphony No. 40 with his Clarinet and Bassoon Concertos. The tracks: Mozart: Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K. 622/ Mozart: Bassoon Concerto in…