“Mad Rush” – enter the draw for your own copy…and tell us your thoughts on glass amd minimalism

Conceptual artist Michael Craig-Martin summarises perfectly the ethos of Minimalism – perhaps it should be ‘minimalism’. He says: “‘Minimalism seeks the meaning of art in the immediate and personal experience of the viewer in the presence of a specific work. There is no reference to another previous experience (no representation), no implication of a higher level of experience (no metaphysics), no promise of a deeper intellectual experience (no metaphor). Instead Minimalism presents the viewer with objects of charged neutrality… employing one or two materials, one or two colours, repeated identical units…. objects that are without any hierarchy of interest….objects that reveal everything about themselves, but little about the artist; objects whose subject is the viewer”. This is the stuff of the music of Philip Glass.

 By now, ‘Mad Rush” is almost a household name – the first CD in pianist Sally Whitwell’s recordings of the solo piano works by Glass.

If you haven’t got around to getting your own copy, enter the SoundsLikeSydney draw for your own copy.

Email [email protected] with the word “Rush” in the subject heading by 5 pm on Friday 23rd September.

If you like tell us what you think about Glass, minimalism or ‘Mad Rush” – and we will publish a collection of your thoughts.

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