National Opera Review Releases Its Recommendations

The National Opera Review has delivered cogent and far-reaching recommendations based on astute observations. The operations of Opera Australia, Opera Queensland, the State Opera of South Australia and West Australian Opera have all been scrutinised.

In Sydney, it is the activities of Opera Australia that are relevant, where the Review found fewer productions, a narrower repertoire, reduced opportunities for emerging and established artists and a reliance on musicals have all contributed to an erosion of the art form, in part created by intense fiscal pressures.

The report says “Australia has a choice. It can allow the companies to remain under pressure and see their artistic vitality and creativity erode. Or, in a way that is fiscally prudent, action can be taken to ensure the companies are reinvigorated so as to restore their artistic vibrancy and accessibility. In adopting that approach, Australia would also be acknowledging the key role that the arts and the Major Opera Companies, in particular, play in underpinning Australia’s vision of being a vital and creative country.”

While the report is comforting for opera lovers and calls for an additional $24 million in funding, it will be a long while until these recommendations are examined at the end of which there is no guarantee that government will provide the funding, nor where it will find these funds.

Click here to read the report. (Scroll down to ‘Outcomes’)

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