Outlaw Opera Debuts With Film Noir Theme

Ashlee Woodgate to star as murderess Lucia di Lammermoor Photo by Rosa Doric
Ashlee Woodgate to star as murderess Lucia di Lammermoor Photo by Rosa Doric

Outlaw Opera presents it debut concert series of opera at its most exciting with dastardly coloratura, darkly erotic low notes, and fiendishly fast cabalettas.

Their fully staged concert series features a cast of Australia’s finest emerging artists. This hand- picked ensemble of competition winners and critic’s choices will perform for the pleasure of opera audiences, both new and experienced.

The company is based on the Central Coast of NSW and the iconic Avoca Beach Picture Theatre is the perfect visual backdrop for the company’s Film Noir aesthetic in its debut performance depicting some of opera’s most egregious felons. The theme is crime. Outlaw Opera means to bring opera to the stage in the manner of a movie. This time, the drama will be alive, unfolding before your eyes. It’s an exhilarating experience that will change the way you think about opera.


Outlaw Opera was created by Christina Henson, who is a Julliard-trained opera singer and vocal coach and a graduate in medicine from the University of New Jersey. She has pioneered research and practice in biomechanical vocal function, working with both career singers and cancer/reconstruction patients. Henson has worked with concert artists who have sung at the Met, Covent Garden, La Scala and Opera Australia. Since marrying an Australian Egyptologist, she now lives in NSW, where she is head coach with the Central Coast Opera, and coach and choirmaster with the Lyric Opera of the Central Coast.

Outlaw Opera means to make opera exciting and relevant, or die trying. Actually, we might kill each other trying… you’ll have to come and see for yourself.

NB: material may not be age appropriate for very young children. Suitable to be the right introduction for sixteen and up.

Cast and creatives:

Artistic Director Christina Henson / Pianists Noah Peres and Alan Hicks               

Cast: Sarah Ampil (14 December)/ Mario Bellanova (14 December)/ Livia Brash (7 & 14 December)/ Eugene Raggio (7 December)/ Caleb Son (7 & 14 December)/ Angelique Tot (7 December)/ Ashlee Woodgate (7 & 14 December)

Sung in original languages (Italian and French), with full descriptions in English.


Bookings or call (02) 4382 1777



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