Collegium Musicum Festival Of Carols

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Continuing a long tradition of carol singing, UNSW’s massed choir, Collegium Musicum, presents its annual Festival of Carols with the Burgundian Consort, the UNSW Handbell Ensemble, violinist Dene Olding, pianist Patrick Keith and organist Lloyd Grant. 

Bringing its 39th year of choral singing at UNSW to a close, the concert will celebrate the many characters of the Nativity, as well as the usual jubilation from communal carols, handbells and plenty of seasonal festivity.

The 2014 programme additionally features the talents of violinist Dene Olding, core member of the Australia Ensemble @UNSW, who will perform alongside CMC accompanist Patrick Keith in Korngold’s Garden Scene and Mussorgsky’s Hopak.

Join choral director Sonia Maddock and the Collegium Musicum Choir in the Sir John Clancy Auditorium for an evening of festive cheer, homemade gingerbread and great music.

Tickets: $24/$21/$18

Call 9385 4874 or email: [email protected]

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