Tenor Shanul Sharma To Debut In Hannover

In breaking news, SoundsLikeSydney can report that Melbourne-based tenor Shanul Sharma will make his German debut at the Staatsoper Hannover in September 2024 as M.K.Gandhi in Philip Glass’ opera Satyagraha. 
The opera is based on the life of Mahatma Gandhi, the pacifist Indian freedom fighter and is the second of Glass’s “Portrait Trilogy” of operas about men who changed the world, which also includes Einstein on the Beach and Akhnaten. The role of Gandhi is very close to the heart of the Indian-born Australian tenor.
The eight performances of Satyagraha will be performed through till October. They will be fully staged and sung in Sanskrit with German surtitles. Sharma has already performed this role to high acclaim in Opera Australia’s concert version which  played in Melbourne in 2023.
After joining the Young Artist program at Opera Australia (OA), Sydney audiences saw Sharma in three roles for OA during 2019, as The Student in Ghost Sonata, Conte di Libenskof in Il Viaggio a Reims and Madman in Wozzeck. Sharma has also sung the role of Conte di Libenskof at the Bolshoi Opera in Moscow and the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro, Italy. He has sung in Rossini’s Stabat Mater at LaVerdi in Milan and in 2021, Sharma performed the title role of Mozart’s Mitridate, Re di Ponto at Teatro Olimpico for the Festival Vicenza Lirica, Italy, as well as numerous other roles through his career.
Sharma will shortly relocate from Melbourne to Hannover to begin rehearsals.

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