WSO performs lobgesang – Mendelssohn’s symphony-cantata

Felix Mendelssohns’s most prolific output was not for orchestras, but for choirs and solo voices. A recent feature in Classic FM magazine estimates his orchestral works as comprising just 12 % of his opus whilst choral and vocal music represent the single largest genre at a sizeable 33%. Most of his best writing is said to be for voices, but it is his orchestral works that are perhaps more familiar.
These two threads of Mendelssohn’s music merge in the Willoughby Symphony Choir and Orchestra’s July presentation Lobgesang (Hymn of Praise) conducted by Dr Nicholas Milton at the City Recital Hall.
For the listener, Lobgesang has much that is familiar. The hymn ‘Now thank we all our God’ appears as the eight movement as ” Nun danket alle Gott’, first written by a German hymn writer of the 17thcentury, Johann Cruger. There is also the duet for two sopranos ‘I waited for the Lord’.
Soprano Angela Brun and tenor Bradley Cooper perform the solos and conductor Dr Nicholas Milton returns to Sydney to celebrate his 10thanniversary with the choir, after working with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the Staatskappelle Halle and a premiere season of Puccini’s La Fanciulla Del Westwith the Tiroler Landestheater, Innsbruck.
See our post on conductor Dr Nicholas Milton discussing his work in Europe and his ten years with the WSO.
To book contact City Recital Hall Angel Place Box Office on 8256 2222.