Northside Opera Study Group – March and April Meetings

download (1)Northside Opera Study Group meets each Monday morning in Lindfield. The group welcomes both long-term opera enthusiasts as well as newcomers who want to learn more about the subject, and those who would like to share their interest in music and opera.  

Their programmes are wide and varied and cover traditional as well as contemporary opera. The weekly lectures are presented by distinguished artists, musicians and academics using the latest audiovisual equipment and include performances by up and coming singers as well as an annual concert by students from the Conservatorium of Music. 

Visitors and new members are always welcome. The first visit is free. Subsequent visits are $20 per lecture or $100 per semester.This includes morning tea and access to their extensive library of DVDs, CDs and books.  

The meetings for March and April are:

3 March Opera and Music Theatre: When worlds collide Victoria Watson
10 March The operas of Michael Haydn Dr Robert Forgacs
17 March Offenbach: Uncrowned Emperor of the Second Empire Marie‐Claire
24 March Julius Caesar Handel Brian Fitzgerald

31 March Ring Resounding: After Melbourne TBA

7 April Iphigenie en Aulide Gluck Professor Michael Ewans
14 April The magic of text setting Susan Deas
21 April EASTER MONDAY No Meeting
28 April Contemporary Australian opera Professor Michael Halliwell

Email: [email protected]
Phone: Ross Hayes: 9579 4625/ John Sanders: 9412 2581/ Michael Berman: 9416 7779

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