Stephen Taberner’s Big Singlet Pop-Up Choir

Stephen Taberner’s Big Singlet is a pop-up choir – ” it’s a thing, it’s a thing, it’s a sing.”

Stephen Taberner has arrived back from overseas places with some secret new ditties and a fresh-faced desire to transform roomloads of galoots into singing angels. it’s worked before, so why not now? big singlets are one-off or three off explorations into how much depth, breadth, subtlety, groove and fun can be elicited from song, with just our voices to use. stephen, the director of the spooky men’s chorale, has been doing this since 1993. he’s starting to know what he’s doing…..

this will be a self-contained set of three singlets. you may attend as many or as few as you like.

big singlet is based on an absurdly simple premise:
1. people gather (in some beautiful space somewhere)
2. they sing
2a. wherever possible, they voyage to a pub or resonant space to reprise one song in a real world human space
3. they go home

big singlet is open to all comers, especially those who are a little unsure as to whether they can sing, to kids ($5 for them) and students/young people ($10). negotiation is possible for the financially challenged. think of it as a flash mob or pop up kind of thing. please  forward this to choirs you are in, schools, and anyone else who may be interested.

Stephen would like confirmation of attendances by return email to [email protected] for a sense of size but please be assured that nobody will be turned away at the door. please also spread the word via facebook, here:

$20/$15/$10 students for one

$50/$35/$25 for all

Stephen Taberner was born in Christchurch, New Zealand, where much of his early musical damage was inflicted in church. Escaping from the twin perils of eternal godliness and an academic career, he attempted to navigate a maverick horseswap into the bohemian waters of the Sydney jazz scene, only to be sideswiped by a world music choir.

This choir, “Voices from the Vacant Lot”, exposed him to the more visceral and life changing pleasures of vocal music from South Africa, Georgia, Bulgaria, and almost everywhere else.

A secret desire to control things in general led to a blossoming career as small and large-scale choirleader, and part of the collateral from this period was a diverse portfolio of interests in double bass playing/singing, songwriting. playback theatre, clown, and other pursuits.

Stephen’s home territory is mostly wherever his work takes him, in Melbourne, NSW and UK, amongst other places. He’s quite busy as choir and workshop leader, and sometimes as part of musical collaborations with Lucy Wise and others, but he is most known for, and most concerned with his ongoing work with as artistic director of the notorious Spooky Men’s Chorale.


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