Willoughby Symphony’s Miracle

Percussionist Claire Edwardes guest stars in the Willoughby Symphony’s Miracle concert, a glittering performance of works by Haydn, Mendelssohn and 2017 Composer-in-Residence, Dr Daniel Rojas.
Under the baton of celebrated conductor, Dr Carolyn Watson, the concert will open with Haydn’s Miracle Symphony, named for the legend of the work’s premiere when a chandelier fell from the concert hall ceiling, narrowly missing the audience! Following with Rojas’ intoxicating Concerto for Marimba and Orchestra, Claire will demonstrate her superb skills as a percussionist as she performs the work’s intricate demands with aplomb.
Soloist, chamber musician and Artistic Director of Ensemble Offspring, Claire Edwardes was the recipient of the 2013 prestigious Australia Council Music Fellowship. She is the first person to have thrice won the APRA AMCOS Art Music Award for Excellence by an Individual.
Dr Daniel Rojas is an award-winning composer specialising in the Latin American aesthetic. Chilean born, Daniel draws from his heritage and a heady musical palette that includes Latin American indigenous, folk, classical and popular traditions, as well as Western classical and jazz techniques.
Tickets:1300 795 012 or visit theconcourse.com.au