Leichardt Espresso Chorus presents: ‘Aesop’s Fables – a Concert’

Have You Heard the One About…?
Have you heard the tale about the slave story-teller from ancient Greece? Whose fables mysteriously travelled from ancient Greece all around the world? We all know the story of the hare and the tortoise, but Aesop’s Fables play a much richer part of our cultural history than just this famous tale.
Over one weekend, two concerts at The Forum feature shadow puppetry, readings, and an exhibition of drawings celebrating the mystery and magnetism of these ancient tales.
Add to the magic mix a cello, clarinet, piano and percussion, the sound of children’s voices, the power of storytelling and the timeless resonance of a choir in the intimate setting of The Forum and you have a unique hour of delight for all ages. This innovative performance explores the humour, wit and wisdom of these tales handed down from generations, loved by children and adults alike. It includes a Blues version of The Fox and the Raven, a fast and furious story of The Mouse and the Lion, and a tune that transports you to a galaxy of wonder in the Star Gazer’s Song.
Conceived and conducted by Artistic Director Michelle Leonard, Aesop’s Fables: A Concert features a five-movement newly commissioned suite by the young composer Alice Chance. A second-year student at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Alice is emerging as a talented composer of song and music for voice.
The concert also includes musings on a moral paradigm by composer David Basden, shadow art and puppetry by Clare Testoni, Espresso Kids and the Leichhardt Espresso Chorus. Join us after the concert for an exhibition of ink and watercolour works on paper by Paul Heppell and Fable Food and Refreshments.
Tickets: $25 | $22 conc | $15 child
Bookings: available online at www.espressochorus.com.au or at the door